The Bannock Buddy capsule collection

In recognition of National Indigenous History Month we are celebrating one of our favourite snacks.

Enjoyed on its own or covered in jam; with cold butter or spread with margarine; over the fire, in the oven, or on the fryer; bannock is our bestie.

The KLF Bannock Buddy capsule collection featuring our beloved Bannock Buddy helps raise awareness and funds for the Foundation and is our gift to you in return for your generous donation. We are raising money for our awards and grants program in support of Indigenous youth and their families. We have successfully launched our first award, and with your help we will continue to grow the program.

Check out the Kw’umut Lelum Foundation’s Bannock Buddy capsule collection and share with your bannock-loving friends!

Kw’umut Lelum Foundation’s month-long Bannock Bonanza includes:

• The creation of the Kw’umut Lelum Foundation Award to support Indigenous post-secondary students pursuing their passion, maybe even our next great chef!

• The KLF Bannock Buddy capsule collection, featuring our beloved Bannock Buddy, helps raise awareness and funds for the Foundation. The assortment includes hoodies, t-shirts, totes, and toques for adults and kids. Preorders are available now via the KLF Bannock Bonanza Indiegogo page .

• The Bannock Bonanza event at Sway’a’lana (Maffeo Sutton Park) and Transfer Beach is a part of National Indigenous People Day celebrations (June 21). We’ll share our beautiful bannock with event goers and we’ll also be holding a Boogie for Bannock every 30 minutes, where participants can win a box of fresh bannock. There will also be opportunities to learn more about KLF and our programs.

This month, like every month, we are proud to be a part of our beautiful community. Happy National Indigenous History Month!

Kw’umut Lelum Foundation Bannock Recipe

A recipe shared by many, with many personal twists. Have fun finding your favourite take on this beloved staple. For best results, serve warm, with a side of love.


2 cups (500 mL) flour

2 1/2 tsp (15 mL) baking powder

1 tsp (5 mL) sugar

pinch of salt

1/4 cup (50 mL) oil

1 cup (25 mL) water

And if you’re frying – oil for the pan!


Mix all dry ingredients together

Mix in oil slowly

Make a well in the middle of the dry ingredients and pour in water. Now mix!

Take dough out of bowl and knead until combined. The more you knead the tougher it gets, so try not to over do it.

Pat down to around 1” in thickness.

Now you can cut the dough into biscuits for baking or pull a part and dip into the fryer. Cook until golden brown.

If you’re baking, pre-heat oven to 425 and bake for approximately 10 minutes, but be sure to check on them as you go. Don’t wanna burn Buddy!

Enjoy and share with the people you love.


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